How Do You Know if Somebody is Qualified to Inspect Your Cooling Tower?

For building owners, cooling tower inspections are fundamentally important to the safety of the building’s occupants, the health of your bottom line, and your reputation as a building owner. Getting your cooling towers regularly inspected is necessary for compliance with state and city regulations.

But the question remains, how do you know who’s qualified to inspect your cooling towers? Who do you know will do a good job so you don’t have to worry?

7G Certified Applicators for Cooling Towers

First,  you will want to ensure that anyone that you are considering to inspect your cooling towers has a Category 7G Pesticides License. If you choose a company that doesn’without a certified pesticide applicators, they won’t be able to disinfect your cooling tower, which may lead to additional costs and downtime if legionella or other bacteria is detected.  You can view the government’s qualifications for a 7G applicator here.

Third Party for Cooling Tower Inspections

It’s best to choose a third-party, preferably one that focuses on cooling towers, for your cooling tower inspections. Your regular water treatment vendor has an understandable bias when inspecting cooling towers – they’re inspecting the quality of their own work.

Using a third-party for cooling tower inspections is a simple way to avoid any low-quality inspections due to a biased inspector. A third-party service reduces risk and liability – which is especially important when there’s so much at stake.

Cooling tower inspection are a crucial part of regular building maintenance. Without regular inspections, your cooling towers may become non-compliant and rack up hefty fines or collect legionella bacteria, endangering everyone in the building.

NYC Cooling Inspections and Services has licensed, certified 7G applicators and Certified Water Technologists to provide industry leading cooling tower inspections. Learn more about how our cooling tower inspections mitigate your risk and liability.

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